Palo Santo

I often give out branded Palo Santo sticks as gifts at some of my events, and I want to explain Why… 

The sweet, smoky fragrance is an intoxicating go-to for cleansing and clearing spaces. Indigenous Latin American cultures have used its wood in traditional healing and spiritual ceremonies for centuries. It both purifies and attracts positive energy. The pleasing, grounding aroma triggers the brain’s relaxation response, preparing the mind for meditation or creative focus.

First, start with a simple intention of clearing the negative energy out of your space and mind by imagining bringing in Light. Once you have your intention in mind, light the Palo Santo and allow it to burn for 30 seconds and then blow it out.

It’s really up to you on how frequently you'd like to smudge with Palo Santo. There are some people who do it every day as part of a daily ritual. Many spiritual healers suggest you should smudge when you feel you or your space needs it.

Enjoy! And remember, everything is energy. 


The Ultimate Sound Healing & Wellness Gift Guide